Selasa, 25 Ogos 2009


Ya Syeikh Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi, ana ada baca posting dalam blog Syeikh...... Ana pulak suggest Syeikh bacalah di bawah:-

Go all the way or no way

Posted by admin
Tuesday, 25 August 2009 02:07

So, forget about peeping into pubs to catch Muslims drinking beer. Go catch those Muslims driving cars bought with car loans. Go catch those Muslims who use credit cards. Go catch those Muslims who own houses bought through loans. That is a much, much bigger and more serious crime in Islam.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Selangor mosque officials to help enforce syarak

Mosque officials in more than 370 mosques in Selangor have been given authority letters to assist the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) to enforce the Selangor Syariah Crimes Enactment 1995.

The chairman of the Selangor Islamic Affairs, Malay Culture, Infrastructure and Public Amenities committee, Datuk Dr Hasan Mohamed Ali, said only four officials of each mosque were given the authority letters two weeks ago and they were the 'Nazir', 'Imam', 'Bilal' and 'Siak'.

Among the syarak (Islamic religious law) that will focussed on in the fasting month was eating, drinking and smoking in public during fasting times, Dr Hasan said at a news conference here Monday.

An offence under Section 19 of the Enactment can lead to a maximum fine of RM1,000 or a maximum of six months jail or both.

Dr Hasan said for this offence the mosque officials cannot arrest offenders but could only take down their particulars and the case items and pass them to the religious enforcement officers for further action.

Baca seterusnya di sini.....

Faham kah Syeikh? Kalau tak faham pangge anak buah Syeikh tolong terjemahkan. Kalau tak dak sapa nak tolong bagi tau ana, ana boleh tolong......

Syeikh jangan kata si Raja Petra ni sesat pulak..... banyak kawan-kawan ana yang pakai ketayap logo bulan kata begitu......

Ambil ilmu dari dia Syeikh....... banyak manafaatnya......

Maaf ana cakap...... ana ikut posting dalam blog Syeikh.... ilmu Syeikh..... ala...... segan ana nak cakap..... nanti Syeikh malu....... 

Apa yang ana cakap pasal Syeikh, ana tak perlu minta maaf. Ana tau hukum.... Syeikh pun ada tulis di sini......

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Sapa-sapa nak komen boleh komen. Tapi Haji Lee Copper tak bertanggungjawab atas komen-komen anda. Apabila anda komen bermakna anda yang bertanggungjawab dan sanggup terima akibat dari komen anda.