Khamis, 8 Julai 2010


Zulkifli Nordin yang menipu PKR dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat, hari ni telah mengaku bahawa dia memang seorang penipu besar. Pengakuan ini dibuat dalam Dewan Rakyat. Dia juga telah menyatakan sokongan kepada APCO. Lihat sini......

Nampaknya dia telah memilih jalan politik yang sesat. Dia telah menjadi UMNO. Cuma strategi politik UMNO Jahanam dan menjaga air muka sendiri saja yang membuatkan dia belum lagi isytiharkan dia menyertai UMNO Jahanam.

Kadang-kadang perangai macam Zul Nordin ini yang membuatkan orang berkopiah dan berketayap dipandang serong. Tapi apa nak diherankan Zionis Yahudipun pakai kopiah jugak.

Selasa, 6 Julai 2010

Mahathir Terkutuk...!!!

Komen mengukut Mahathir dalam An Analysis of Dr. Mahathir's Crooked Bridge. Syok juga baca orang kutuk Mahathir ni....
written by PUF DD, July 03, 2010 13:30:11
Mahashit from kerala should just mampus, burn him in a tongkang and ship him back to kerala where he belongs. His son Mukriz Jerlun is another stupid politician, reading his speeach makes me want to puke. This bastard mess and steals the rakyats money likes all his siblings did. We know how you wont in Jerlun buy chiting big time. He is trying to be PM and can cover his family ill goten gains. Malaysian hates your family! Look at SIC the fail F1 circuit in the world, your bro the chairman and his cousin razlan the ceo korek the circuit dry and make MOF to pay their cronies with all kind of shit. Razlan the ceo, spand the circuits/MOF money macam his wandara money. Making trips all over the world on SIC/FOM claims. Your family is bunch of penyamum and makan duit haram. This family must be braught to justice and put in jail. Razlan brother that drive Cayane BEC1, has blood in his hands, he crash his car while intoxicating on XTC and kill a girl. Poor girls family cant do anything because, he is from mahashit family. This family steals, kills, fitnah, corupt and racist. LKY Singapore, is respected globally lah. Hell with Mahashit and family, hope you all are happy with the ill goten gains. We the rakyat will sumpah you and family. Your family is the penjahanam negara Malaysia.

written by Concerned_Citizen, July 03, 2010 21:24:25
The companies that are going to built the 'CROOK' bridge belongs to his sons, relatives, cronies and dogs. That's the reason why.

We have enough with Proton, APs, Port Klang Free Zone, Putra Jaya, Petronas Confidential Financial Reports, etc. Still one to have another even before seeing your Creator?

written by fireduck, July 03, 2010 14:28:45
Is that picture really the design of the crooked bridge? I sure hope it is now. It is worse than I have anticipated. That must be the MOST ridiculous design ever! If Malaysia ever embarks on building this bridge it will be the laughing stock of the world. This is nothing more than and a maniac's ego trip. Either that or that old man is always high on drugs.